Singing Guide: Mulligans' Silver Wedding

Singing Guide: Mulligans' Silver Wedding

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Mulligan’s Silver Wedding is a unique song that highlights the voice of the singer, Dan Fogelberg. If you want to learn how to sing like Dan, you need to pay close attention to his smooth and gentle vocal style.

One thing many people love about Dan’s singing is his breath control. His voice is always steady, and he never seems to run out of breath even when holding long notes. To achieve this, you need to develop your breath support. Singing Carrots' article on breathing basics can help you learn how to breathe correctly while singing. You may also wish to check our article on breath support.

Another reason Dan’s voice stands out is his use of vibrato. When he sings, he adds a subtle but noticeable vibrato to his notes, which gives his sound a sense of richness and depth. To learn how to add vibrato to your singing, check out Singing Carrots' article on singing with vibrato.

Dan’s voice also has a unique texture and quality that you can hear in Mulligan’s Silver Wedding. This song has a folk flavor that suits Dan's voice perfectly, but it’s also known for its challenging high notes. If you want to enhance your high range, we have a vocal range test so you can determine your current range. Additionally, the pitch accuracy test will help you improve your pitch accuracy.

Mulligan’s Silver Wedding is an excellent choice for beginning to develop contemporary singing techniques. We have a course on contemporary vocal techniques to assist you. It covers vocal distortion, growling, Twang, Belting, and more.

In conclusion, if you want to learn to sing like Dan Fogelberg, focus on breath control, vibrato, and the unique texture and quality that make his voice stand out. Practice with Singing Carrots' range test, pitch accuracy test, and vocal training tools. Together, they will help you enhance the nuances in your voice so you can approximate the signature voice of Dan Fogelberg.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.